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This collection of black stallion photos presents a number of different wild Mustangs. One of the stallions is a black and white Appaloosa, who belongs to Midnight’s herd. Soon he will be chased out of the herd and will end up joining up other bachelor stallions. But right now, he stays with the herd and does a lot of sparring with his siblings so he can learn to fight and run away from danger. The interaction with these young stallions is hilarious to watch. They run and play-bite each other and then all of a sudden they’ll walk side by side like the best of buds.

The two photos, the color and black and white, of this beautiful black stallion with a star on his forehead is absolutely gorgeous. I have no idea who he is, but he’s a tough stallion who has no problem charging after other stallions. Sadly, he chased this injured stallion and his mare away and the injured guy could barely run. From what I was told the injured stallion was hit by a car and suffered from a deep open wound on his front elbow.

Like I’ve said on my other portfolio pages, there are a lot of black Mustang horses in this region of Nevada. Trying to figure out who is who, takes some effort.